
Next service: Sunday Service
Sun 16th Feb, 10:30am


We believe that is important for Christian believers to come together as a supportive community which expresses God’s love in witness and service. Please explore our website, find out more, and come and join us at Sunday worship or at one of our other events and activities.

All welcome to our Sunday Service

Hope you can join us in our Christmas Services

Church Magazine

Our church magazine comes to you every 2 months. Click the button below to get the latest issue:

Download  December 24

Our newsletter comes to you weekly.

Welcome to Edinburgh: Murrayfield Church of Scotland! Our congregation is a community of people trying their best to love God and to love those around us in our community and world... more

We are a busy congregation made up of people of different ages, with a breadth of interests and views. There are plenty of events and activities you can explore for getting involved... more

We are always seeking to renew ourselves as a congregation - by staying close to our traditions whilst also trying to develop and respond to the challenges of maintaining a Christian witness in the 21st century... more

Bookable by the session, this fabulous modern centre is perfect for business, leisure, community or social use. It’s ideal for clubs, classes, conferences and meetings and is hugely popular... more


Youth Alpha at Murrayfield

Come along to our Alpha course for new connections, great conversations and good fun. Food/pizza and refreshments will be provided.… more


This Sunday, 9th February

This Sunday, 9th February, the sermon theme is 'Disciples of Jesus'. If you are coming along with children, S Club… more


S Club -Film Crew

The next Film Crew will be held on Sunday 9th February in the Dove between 4-6pm. Hope to see you… more

13th February

Murrayfield Club  10:00am

13th February

Pilates with Hannah
Pilates with Hannah  10:15am

13th February

Yoga 3
Yoga 3  1:30pm

13th February

SPADA 2  6:00pm

Daily Worship

Thursday 13th February, from SanctuaryFirst

“Greetings to you and thank you for your interest in and/or involvement in Murrayfield Parish Church. If you are a new amongst us I hope you will find a spiritual home here - we look forward to stepping onwards with you in our journey of Christian discipleship. Please always feel free to approach me personally and in confidence with anything you would like to talk about.”
