
Next service: Sunday Service
Sun 27th Oct, 10:30am

Our Governance

At a local level our leadership is the Kirk Session. The Kirk Session is the equivalent of the management board of a company. The Kirk Session is made up of elders who act as local charity trustees. At present we have 22 trustees. 

In 2010 we moved to operating under Unitary Constitution. For us this means that we have a number of Kirk Session groups with delegated areas of responsibility. At present these Kirk Session Groups are…

  • Centre
  • Communicaitons
  • Families
  • Mission & Discipleship
  • Pastoral Care Team
  • Property
  • Staffing
  • Stewardship & Finance
  • Wider Church

It is an aim of ours to involve as many of our younger members as possible in the running of our church and in due course to pass on the leadership mantle to the younger generation. One way we have begun to achieve this is to have a mix of elders and younger non-elders on the Kirk Session Groups, in some cases convening these groups.

On our who's who page, you will find details of those more specifically involved in each of the above areas