
Next service: Sunday Service
Sun 27th Oct, 10:30am



Baptism is one of the two sacraments recognised by the Church of Scotland, the other being the Sacrament of Holy Communion. In the case of infant baptism the Church expects at least one parent or other close family member either to be a member of the Church or willing to become a member.

In the baptismal service those appropriate adults profess their own faith and promise to give the child a Christian upbringing.

In the case of adult baptism the person themsleves makes the appropriate promises.

Baptism is administered at Sunday worship in front of the congregation. This emphasises the nature of the sacrament as incorporation into the body of Christ and the life of the Church.

The Thanksgiving and Blessing of a Child

Since 2003, the Church has provided orders for the thanksgiving for, and blessing of, a child. The blessing ceremony takes place at morning worship following the same pattern as that for Baptism, except the wording and promises are different, and no water is used. Nothing is required of the parents in either commitment or belief.