
Next service: Sunday Service
Sun 27th Oct, 10:30am

Our Finance

We are entirely responsible for paying our own costs. These costs include a significant contribution to the central church. This contribution is called Ministry & Mission and is £94,010 for 2019. We are also responsible ourselves for the maintenance and improvement of our church buildings and payment of heating and lighting costs and staff costs and insurance costs as well as much more. Our total costs for 2016 were £221,000.

Most of our finances come from regular giving by church members. In addition we have some rental income from letting our the rooms in the church centre. All members are encouraged to contribute to the finances of the church.

Over the years we have benefited from church members leaving the congregation a gift in their will. These legacies have enabled us to invest in areas of our work which would have otherwise not been possible. Please prayerfully consider whether you would like to give to the church in this way

A copy of our most recent stewardship leaflet is available here