
Next service: Sunday Service
Sun 27th Oct, 10:30am

Sunday Services

Our main church service is at 10.30am every Sunday of the year.

Our services normally last around an hour, occasionally a little longer if there is extra content. Our worship format is fairly traditional although we are seeking to blend traditional hymns with some contemporary church music. We stand to sing our hymns and songs, the words of which are displayed on our screen, and we stand at the very beginning of the service when the bible is brought to the lectern. Most of our hymns come from the Church Hymnary 4th edition. Our bible readings come from the the New Revised Standard Translation.

On the first Sunday of the month we celebrate communion. 

We hope that through our worship you will be able to grow spiritually and be inspired in your daily living.

We start worship with the whole church family together and then a little later there is an opportunity to use our creche and for children to leave for age appropriate worship activities (S-Club)

We make every effort so that our worship and our other activities and events are accessible to families.