
Next service: Sunday Service
Sun 19th May, 10:30am

Clothing appeal for female prisoners

Our fellow member, and orison officer has sent a thank you for all our donations, which you can read in our magaxine, September_Edition_2023_
Our minister Keith (who is one of the chaplains at HMP Edinburgh) and church member Sharon Trotter (a prison officer) are aware of a pressing need for donations of used women's clothing for female prisoners.
Sharon says "Many of the female prisoners arrive with nothing but the clothes they stand in and no family to help. We are often asked if there is anything in the “poor box” to give them a change of clothing or something to feel liberated in. Although there is some prison issue clothing it is limited by budget and wear & tear. Prisoners are permitted to wear their own clothing whilst within the hall if they choose; we have found this helps build self- esteem" 
If you are able to donate any items on the list above, please bring them along to church on a Sunday morning at 10.30am. There will be a box for donations in the North Transept. Donations will be much appreciated! Please note any tops with hoods, or high heeled shoes are not suitable.