
Next service: Sunday Service
Sun 19th Jan, 10:30am

MCT Faith Discussion Group

Spring meetings will be on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm, from 9th January in the Upper Hall at Saughtonhall United Reformed Church, 85/87 Saughtonhall Drive, Edinburgh EH12 5TR. We will aim to Zoom as many meetings as possible as well. We intend to kick-off with the another 6 of the “Jesus the Game Changer” 2nd series. In the past we have covered the 1st series and 3 of the 2nd series which proved enlightening and positive. We then start a York Lent Course for 5 weeks “God has no Favourites” by Carmody Grey.The topic on 13th February will be Jesus the Game Changer 9 - The Protestant Reformation.

contact Jim here